MTBのタイヤをオーバードライブエリートに交換 2011年8月16日
マウンテンバイクのタイヤを交換しました!ケンダのNEVEGAL 26×2.10 のブロックタイヤから、マキシスのOVERDRIVE ELITE 26×1.5 のシティタイヤへ。
2011年8月月18日 00:36
Hi Kenny, Maxxis are pretty good tires for road!
When I changed the tires, I was thinking about the time we went to Whistler and I thought the block tires are good for it!
I wanna go to Whistler again! It was fun!!!
You going to commute to work on it now? I see you have put on more ‘road-friendly’ tires…
Funny, I was just in Breckenridge (near Denver), Colorado with family and they have MTB lifts there like in Whistler and was thinking about the time you and I went there – that was fun!